Exploring Science

We recently carried out a series of science experiments. We made hypotheses about what we might expect during each experiment, carried out the experiment, and then discussed and explained our findings. It was really interesting and a lot of fun! 2. Bacterial growth – We wiped our clean and dirty hands on slices of bread,…

The Liverpool Telescope

Thank you Vicky for a wonderful astronomy session about the Liverpool Telescope. We learned about how telescopes work, and how to use the Liverpool Telescope remotely in order to request images of specific areas of the moon.

Music session

Thank you to Marg for running a music session with the children this morning! All the children had a wonderful time!

Pets in Gaelic

We have learned about the different types of pets you can have in Gaelic and how to say “I have a pet”. Marian said “Tha cuilean agam” which means “I have a puppy”. Magnus said “Tha bò-ghàidhealach agam” which means “I have a Highland cow”. Alex said “Tha turtar agam” which means “I have a…

How to brush your teeth

Below are the pupils’ instructions on how to brush teeth (for someone who doesn’t look after their teeth properly!). By Marian By Heather By Alex By Tara

Young Islands Network

The Young Islands Network is a community which aims to join young people together from all the islands, sharing their voices, views and experiences. Daniel from the Young Islander Network visited our school recently. We had met him once before online. Daniel is going to be supporting us with some special activities and challenges relating…

School Values

Fàilte gu Bun-sgoil Eilean nam Muc! Our new welcome sign for the porch has arrived and is up for all to see. WE LOVE IT!

Our Residential Trip to Fort William

Recently the pupils and staff enjoyed a residential trip to Fort William. The focus was swimming lessons, along with other educational activities. The weather proved a little challenging both ways, We were really grateful that The Bigger Dipper could help us get to the mainland. The children thought: “I really liked it because we went…

Burns Lunch

All of the children learnt about Robert Burns this week, ready to celebrate with Burns lunch on 25th. During writing they shared some of the facts they have learnt about Robert Burns. Ruth very kindly gave us a giant turnip so we read ‘The Gigantic Turnip’ which was a fun story. Tara recited the Selkirk…


On Monday and Wednesday, this week, the whole of Muck Primary went to the hall with Miss Spark to do gymnastics. They were focusing on jumps, rolls, and balances. Some of the rolls were pencil roll, forward roll, dish and arch, Heather and Alex learnt how to do a forward roll without putting their hands…